Articles written by Saratoga Sun Editorial

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 65

  • Catch and Release, or Bring Back Our Trout

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Oct 3, 2024

    Last week, people walking in downtown Saratoga would have likely seen a rainbow trout leaping in main street right outside the Saratoga Sun office. The trout, constructed by local artist Jerry Wood, was part of the Sun’s entry into this year’s Hay Bale Sculpture contest. Over the past few years, Saratoga—and the Platte Valley—has brought in more and more public art for the betterment of our communities. Murals are visible behind Platte Valley Martial Arts, on the side of Sweet Marie’s Mercantile and the side of The Sage Motel. A sculpture...

  • Let's Zone In, Not Out

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Sep 26, 2024

    When it comes to the ins-and-outs of town governance, we will admit we can understand how easy it can be for people to zone out so to speak. Despite that, we cannot overstate the importance of paying attention at local meetings. A prime example would be found during the September 17 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council. Among the number of things which were tabled by the governing body in the absence of the mayor, one of those was the recommendation of a zone change in the neighborhood of 8th Street and Bridge Avenue. David Rousu, who...

  • A hard, but needed, discussion

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Sep 19, 2024

    Parents send their children to school each morning with the expectation that they will safely return home each afternoon. We entrust their safety to the teachers and staff of their respective schools with the understanding that they care for our children as much as we do. Over the past several years, we have seen school shooting after school shooting where teachers literally laid down their lives to protect their students. In the past five years, the Wyoming Legislature has attempted to repeal all gun-free zones in the state which would allow... Full story

  • Farewell to the Voice of the Valley

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Sep 5, 2024

    Whether you’ve been in the Valley for generations or have recently moved here, most everyone is familiar with the booming voice of Loren “Teense” Willford. Early Tuesday morning, that voice fell silent as Teense passed away. When we think of Teense, we see a larger than life man with an incredible sense of humor, the well-known resounding voice during parades and events, an entertainer, a veteran and a former legislator. How do you describe a man who had so many talents and touched so many lives? We will start with how the staff at the Sarat... Full story

  • Look before you leap

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Aug 29, 2024

    There’s an old adage which says “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” We believe this applies to the unofficial slogan for Saratoga, “Where the trout leap in main street,” which has been in use for nearly a century. Borrowed from a 1927 article of the same name by Outdoor Living Magazine writer Billy O’Neil, it’s been a fitting slogan for our town, which is bisected by the North Platte River. For nearly a century, this slogan has been a source of community pride for Saratoga and for good reason. The North Platte River is a blue ribbon fishery an... Full story

  • Keep the short term conversation going

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Aug 22, 2024

    Now that an actual conversation has started regarding short term rentals in Saratoga at the August 13 meeting of the Saratoga Planning Commission, we believe this conversation should continue. First, we commend the planning commission for holding a public hearing on the issue and getting feedback from the public. We also commend those residents who showed up to the meeting to make their voices heard, regardless of their viewpoints on potential short term rental regulations. Following the public hearing, there are some things we believe need to... Full story

  • Politically Speaking

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Aug 15, 2024

    Next Tuesday, Wyoming voters will take to the polls for the primary election which means that, starting next Wednesday everyone’s mailbox will be far less clogged with election mailers. Carbon County, it seems, has been mostly spared the divisive, politically charged mailers which have plagued other parts of the state. Perhaps that’s because, in House District 47, incumbent Bob Davis is running unopposed in the primary while House District 15 is seeing three new candidates without the incumbent—Don Burkhart, Jr.—running. Our county was not comp...

  • A Short Term Proposal

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Aug 8, 2024

    Next Tuesday, the Saratoga Planning Commission will be holding a public hearing on short term rentals in municipal limits. Regardless of where you stand on the issue, we believe it is important for Saratoga residents to attend and make their voices heard. For more than a year, the topic of short term rentals—or STRs—have been held in meetings of both the Saratoga Planning Commission and the Saratoga Town Council. A question often asked, at least in the planning commission meetings, is what the goal would be in instituting a short term ren...

  • Time To Tone It Down

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jul 18, 2024

    The news coming out of Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday felt like a scene out of a movie or what one would find in history books. A former president—and current presidential candidate—the target of an attempted assassination just days ahead of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. It didn’t take long for a photo of former president Donald Trump to circulate across the news and through social media. Surrounded by Secret Service agents, blood on his face and fist raised in the air before being whisked away. While the former presi...

  • Let's Clean Up

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jun 27, 2024

    Saratoga’s downtown can be a beautiful location as locals and visitors alike shop and eat among historic buildings under the backdrop of gorgeous mountain vistas. We say “can be” as there are times when littering detracts from that beauty. A prime example is the morning of June 21. We at the Saratoga Sun noticed a few beer cans thrown into the sewer drain and a lovely floral arrangement in front of Bridge Street Bargains destroyed. That morning, we grabbed a trash bag, dust pan and push broom and not only cleaned up this mess but walked along...

  • Youth Lead By Example

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jun 13, 2024

    Something amazing happened at the June 4 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council, something that gives us at the Saratoga Sun hope for the upcoming generations. Jaxon Owen, age 12, and Archer Burau, age 10, stood before the governing body to not only identify a problem, but provide a solution. While it came with some help from their parents, the fact that these young residents stood in front of the town council is impressive. In this day and age, there are adults who would rather make complaints on social media or at local coffee groups rather...

  • How local is more local?

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 30, 2024

    Who best represents what Saratoga is? This is the question we at the Saratoga Sun find ourselves asking following the May 21 meeting of the Saratoga Town Council in which they refused to fill a vacancy on the Carbon County Visitors’ Council Board of Directors. With a month to fill the vacancy, weeks of advertising and a deadline of May 31 a motion to appoint the sole applicant—McCall Burau—failed due to lack of a second. When Councilmember Kathy Beck, who made the motion, asked why there wasn’t a second, Councilmember Jerry Fluty explain...

  • Let the planning commission plan

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Mar 28, 2024

    The Saratoga Planning Commission has its hands tied, for all intents and purposes and we at the Saratoga Sun believe it is a disservice to the planning commission itself and the residents of Saratoga. While it is an advisory board, the role of the planning commission is to not only interpret existing zoning code but improve upon it as well. Such is the case regarding short term rentals in residential zones, which culminated in an 18 month process of drafting a proposed short term rental permit. At the recommendation of Kylie Waldrip, legal... Full story

  • We need to determine the threshold

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Nov 2, 2023

    In the past three years, the amount of short term rentals in the Saratoga area have grown from less than 25 to more than 70. In fact, they are now nearly 8% of the total housing in Saratoga. For the past year, the Saratoga Planning Commission has discussed short term rentals, whether they should be regulated and how they should be regulated. That discussion culminated in a special use permit for short term rentals, which was ultimately tabled last month. The tabling of the permit came following input from the Town of Saratoga’s legal counsel, K... Full story

  • Winds of Change

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Mar 23, 2023

    While change is seldom welcomed, it is often necessary. It may appear from the outside looking in we are playing musical chairs here at the Saratoga Sun, but things are beginning to settling down into a routine here. As your new editor/publisher I—Virginia Parker—hope you, our readers and advertisers, will be patient with us. Joshua Wood, the operations director, is training and cross-training the entire three person team which currently makes up the Saratoga Sun crew. He can't stay with us forever, so we are working hard to learn all we can...

  • Time to admit there's a problem

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Feb 23, 2023

    When overcoming an addiction, the first step is admitting there’s a struggle. The same is also true for a community to overcome a problem with drugs. The Platte Valley has a dilemma with drugs.. The increased number of drug arrests during the time the Saratoga Police Department had a K9 unit was evidence of this. It became obvious when two young people lost their lives. Though the cause of death is still unconfirmed, the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office suspects a fentanyl overdose. The Valley has many wonderful things about it. From the nat... Full story

  • Events ordinance needs more time

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 12, 2022

    Saratoga is growing. This is a fact. Whether you look at the updated signs at Saratoga Town Limits, try to find a home to buy or place to rent the evidence is there. With growth also comes change. Ten years ago, an agreement was reached between the Town of Saratoga and The Yard—a music venue owned by Cindy Bloomquist and Chris Shannon—in the form of Chapter 5.30 of the Saratoga Municipal Code. This chapter of the town’s code came as a result of a number of public meetings and discussions involving the community over a two year period. The f... Full story

  • Your community needs you

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 5, 2022

    Do you have what it takes to be a public servant? Next week—May 12—marks the start of the filing period for the 2022 Primary Election. In recent elections, the Saratoga Sun has encouraged our readers to head to the polls in both primary and general elections to cast their votes. What should be equally stressed is the need for people to run for those offices in the first place, especially at the local level. After all, there could be a great turnout of voters but it means little if there is nobody to vote for. Just two years ago, during the 202... Full story

  • Welcome to Thursday

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Mar 17, 2022

    If you received your newspaper on a Thursday, there’s no need to worry. The mail wasn’t late this week. Instead, this week marks the Saratoga Sun’s return to Thursday publication. We have switched to a new printer, one in eastern Wyoming, in our continued efforts to provide you with the best product we can each week. When we use the term return in regards to Thursday publication, it may be confusing to some of our readers. It may seem to some that the Sun has published on Wednesday forever. Long-time Saratoga locals, however, can tell you d... Full story

  • Redistricting has us concerned

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Dec 22, 2021

    Growing, growing, gone? That seems to be the direction for House District 47 as the Wyoming Legislature, particularly the Joint Corporations Committee, continues their most recent redistricting efforts. What is currently the largest district in the state of Wyoming—12,188 square miles—appears to be on the chopping block as legislators attempt to go through their once-in-a-decade process of redistricting. We would like to first preface our concerns by stating we can appreciate the difficult task the legislators of the Joint Corporations Com... Full story

  • Don't wait, vaccinate

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Dec 8, 2021

    Nearly two years since the global pandemic began, the newest variant of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been detected in the United States. We are still learning about omicron, the most recent variant first discovered in South Africa. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have classified it as a Variant of Concern. Due to its early detection, it is still unclear if this variant is more severe than the original coronavirus or if it’s more transmissible. According to both organizations, while there is c... Full story

  • Walking the talk

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Oct 20, 2021

    It isn’t a secret how busy the intersection of 1st Street and Bridge Avenue in Saratoga is on any given day. Wyoming Highway 130, which becomes 1st Street once it enters town limits, is the route to the Snowy Range, the Sierra Madres and Northern Colorado. For that reason, vehicles of all shapes and sizes—from sedans to recreational vehicles to semi-trucks—make their way through the center of town. This, however, also creates a safety issue. We at the Saratoga Sun would like to commend Councilmember Jon Nelson for speaking with the Wyomi... Full story

  • After the party, it's time to clean up

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Jul 7, 2021

    Independence Day has passed and the largest party in Saratoga every summer has concluded. From the Festival of the Arts to the Old Fashioned Family Carnival to, yes, even Chancey Williams and the Younger Brothers Band headlining Saratoga Days it appeared to be a successful weekend. Thought that may depend on how one defines success. Was it economically beneficial to the restaurants and businesses on Bridge Avenue? Yes, we would imagine so. When not taking part in the fun family games on West Bridge Avenue or the increasing festivities on East... Full story

  • Pickett Park must be built

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|May 19, 2021

    This summer will mark 13 years since Staff Sergeant Tyler Pickett lost his life to a suicide bomber in Iraq. Since then, the promise of a memorial park for the Saratoga High School graduate has gone unfulfilled. Hopefully, that will be changing soon. A member of the Class of 2000, Tyler Pickett was 28 years old when he was in Iraq on June 8, 2008. By all rights, he should have been home as he was originally supposed to be on leave at that time. However, his leave had been deferred. Pickett would end up being the first and only Carbon County... Full story

  • Thank you for your public service

    Saratoga Sun Editorial|Apr 21, 2021

    It’s not easy serving the public. This was made clear on April 6, when Bob Keel resigned his position from the Saratoga Town Council. Keel, in his resignation letter, stated that he was choosing his family over the council. The Saratoga Sun applauds him for making such a difficult decision and wishes him well in his new venture. There may be many in the community who are disappointed that Keel did not finish out his four year term. A look into Saratoga’s past, however, shows that it is not at all uncommon for people to take their leave at some... Full story

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