Police Department still working on staffing

One full-time dispatcher hired, three more dispatch applications received according to Chief Mike Morri

Police Chief Mike Morris made a presentation on staffing issues in dispatch services under reports from his department at the December 19 Saratoga Town Council meeting.

Morris said his new full time dispatcher, Joshua Mathieu, has been hired and is in training.

“So far he is doing very well,” Morris said.

He said he got the two dispatch call takers, Tiffany Moore and Tana Davi, hired as well and they have worked “a couple of shifts.”

“Lieutenant (John) Moore and I have worked in dispatch a bit from time-to-time,” he said. “We’re a little short [staffed] because one officer has been on sick leave for about one month.” Hopefully, that person will return soon.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town of Saratoga and the Carbon County Sheriff’s Department is an agreement by which the sheriff’s staff fills-in for the town by answering calls to the town’s dispatch center when needed.

Morris said the sheriff’s department staff so far have covered 11 shifts at regular time rate and one day’s shift on overtime.

Also in the report, he said the Saratoga Police Department, the Carbon County Sheriff’s Department and the City of Rawlins Police Department last year started talking about purchasing a power phone system, a 911 CAD interface, to facilitate dispatch communications.

He said the power phone system costs about $40,000, “but our share will be substantially less than that.”

Mayor Chuck Davis asked if that was budgeted and Morris said it was in the budget.

Morris also said he has applications for one full-time and two part-time dispatch positions.

The mayor asked if he had interviewed them, to which he said he just received the applications so he had not.

The Chief said it is his goal to hire another full-time employee and then “subsidize” or fill in the shifts with the part-time call staff.


Fire Department

Davis asked the council to review the contract agreement between the Carbon County Fire Protection District and the Town of Elk Mountain Fire Department for discussion at the next meeting.

The agreement states it is for the purpose of sharing resources and mutual aid.

The agreement states that each shall provide the other with aid and assistance in the event of a local disaster or emergency.



Recreation Director Kim Hemenway asked council to approve her hiring Tyler Bangs to work up to 15 hours a week at $15 an hour. He will be a custodial worker at the gym.

The Council voted to approve the hiring.


Public Works Department

Public Works Director Emery Penner said in his department report that the Planning Commission is working on collecting data for a master plan that plots out a bike path in town.

“A lot of it just identifies what’s already here,” Penner said.

The Saratoga Sun contacted Penner for more details, but he did not respond by press time.

Davis said the town is looking for more input on the plan, including any negative comments.

The town is also collecting input on an airport draft minimum standards revision agreement, the mayor said.

Shively Airfield is owned by the Town of Saratoga, according to the draft agreement. The adoption of the agreement is intended to accomplish the town’s goals. The airport is a an “economic driver “ used for the town’s economic development.

The airport is intended to be self-supporting, the agreement states.


Saratoga Airport Advisory Board

The council approved payment of an invoice for $50,000 for the purchase of a used tractor for use at the airport.

The purchase will be from Shively Hardware Company, according to the invoice.

The mayor said the town did not ask for bids, because it intends to purchase a used tractor and therefore it is not required to ask for bids.

“All funding for the purchase is coming out of landing fees,” the mayor said. The purchase money just passes through the town to the airport’s funding mechanism.

The Saratoga Sun contacted the airport for more details but it did not respond by press time.

The council also appointed Ladd Sanger, Arlen Hughes and Lance Grubb to the Airport Advisory Board.

The mayor said the town will start their terms at different dates. Staggering the term, which is something the town is working on to achieve with all board members, will ensure if one resigns, someone will remain on the board.



The South Central Wyoming Emergency Medical Services Joint Powers Board presented the initial agreement between the towns of Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow, Saratoga, Riverside, Encampment, Hanna and Carbon County for its third amendment. The agreement itself formed the original board while the proposed amendment would, among other things, remake the composition of the board to include a South and North ex-officio voting member.

The mayor said he needs the town attorney to look at the agreement before the council votes on it. The attorney is not immediately available.

The mayor said he wants to know if the attorney has “any issues” with the language of the agreement.

The next meeting of the Saratoga Town Council will be at 6 p.m. on January 2 at Saratoga Town Hall.

Department of Public Works Invoices approved are as follows:

Lisa Burton for the December meeting – $175.

Cody-based EA Engineering and Associates for professional services in connection with the River Street Project – $29,215. 28.

Other bills:

Deposits – $460,819.60

Accounts Payable – $71,500.18

Transmittals – $44,546.43

Payroll – $39,210.56


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