The Environment in which we grow

Bishop Robert Keel Platte Valley Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Often when the weather is bad it is hard to see the positive when 60 mph winds and horizontal blowing snow hits me in the face, I look forward to spring and what the joy of that season brings. In that light I have adapted a message Justin Hull shared recently in our Sunday services and share it with you. I took the liberty in using his message as well as resources found on the website in this written message.

When a plant is struggling to grow do you try and fix the plant or the environment that the plant is growing in? Most of the time adding just the right mix of nutrients or treating an invading organism corrects the problem and the plant thrives. Likewise, when one prepares soil for planting it is prepped with the correct amount of fresh soil and needed nutrients.

In like manner we too need to make sure the place we are planted in has the things we need to be successful. Our environment shapes who we are and who we become. At times we make decisions in our life that put hardships and burden upon us. It is hard to make the changes necessary to walk the path God would have us walk when the environment we put ourselves in isn’t conducive to following the teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Just like you would change the environment of the grass, trees, or other plants to help them thrive, we too need to change our environment. Unlike just adding fertilizer to the lawn the changes we need to make can be more difficult.

In my life I have found the following help me make changes to my life to realize a change that brings me happiness and joy.

  1. Growing your relationship with God through prayer. He listens and answers. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ counseled: “Enter into thy closet and when though hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. (Mathew 6:6). I have seen this happen many times in my life and I promise God loves you and is waiting to bless you.
  2. Search the scriptures. The purpose of scriptures is to testify of Christ and to guide the children of God so they can come unto Him and receive eternal life. (John 5:39) In the scriptures you will find the things God has shown us through the example of Jesus Christ and his prophets and apostles as well as the commandments and teachings the things that bring the most happiness in our lives. By reading, pondering, and studying these things we understand them better and can better apply them in our lives.
  3. Seek opportunity to serve others. During His ministry on the earth, Jesus spent His time serving and helping others. True disciples of Jesus Christ do likewise. The Savior said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35). Some of the most rewarding times of my life have come when I forget myself and my needs and think of others and serve them.

May we all look forward to spring and the rebirth of the green things around us and commit to better ourselves and surround ourselves with an environment where we can grow and improve.


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