Panthers football squares off with state champs

Pine Bluffs pulls away 33-6

Last Thursday evening at Robert Hileman Field the Hornets of Pine Bluffs High School visited for a football game with the Panthers of Saratoga High School. It was a perfect night for football, although not a perfect result for the host team. Pine Bluffs left the field with a 33-6 win.

The first quarter, and midway through the second, the action was back and forth. Pine Bluffs did move out to 14-0 lead, but on the kickoff following that second score Panther Allyster Ingraham found the corner and galloped all the way to the end zone. SHS did not convert the 2 point try, but now standing at 14-6 the game was a one score, plus PAT, margin. The Hornets did take the ball and drive down the field but the Panthers forced a turnover inside the five, shutting the gate at the end zone and taking over possession. That was as close as the game would get, however, since after closing off the next Panther possession, Pine Bluffs would mount a sustained drive, go up 21-6, and maintain a comfortable margin throughout.

Saratoga, as they have all season, played a solid brand of football. They maintained their focus, and played hard for all four quarters. Coach Todd Weber recognized the effort, saying “We are very proud of how our kids competed. They never gave up and played hard the entire game. Pine is a very big physical team we never backed down.”. Pine Bluffs is the defending conference and state champion for this level, and they played with a champions system and delivery. They also brought a roster of 23 players. The Panthers field 14, and depth does impact the game, especially during the late 3rd and 4th quarters. Saratoga will be in action tomorrow night at Southeast and then wrap up their season at home against Lingle-Fort on October 20, at 6:00p.


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