All Hail King Aidan

The crowning of Aidan Clarke as homecoming king a special moment for student and family

As is tradition during homecoming week, Saratoga Middle High School crowned its homecoming king and queen following the homecoming parade on September 21.

This year, that ceremony took on some very special meaning as Aidan Clarke was crowned as king and his best friend, Marilee Williams, was crowned queen. Aidan, son of Adam and Misty Clarke, moved to Saratoga with his parents when he was in the 5th grade in 2016. A senior now at Saratoga Middle High School, Aidan has seemed to find a special place in the hearts of his classmates and the community.

While some elections for homecoming royalty may be contested or have split votes, the vote for Aidan was unanimous.

“It felt good, my mom was really happy. My grandma and grandpa were here, too,” said Aidan.

Aidan is a special education student at Saratoga MIddle High School and was able to take time out of his busy schedule to speak with the Saratoga Sun in the classroom of Tiffany Herring. Along with now being homecoming king, which unfortunately is a figurehead position, Aidan is also on the basketball team where he helps manage the team for Marilee’s father, Coach Jason Williams. According to one community member, Aidan takes part in the half-time free throw challenge during each home game. Those in attendance cheer on Aidan each time he attempts a free throw, in the hopes he makes one and is able to get a free bottle of soda.

He’s more than a fan of basketball. Aidan is also a bit of a dart shark as well, though he won’t admit it. Doing a hat trick at home, he once was able to make three bullseyes in a row on the dartboard. He’s also a fan of video games, his most favorite game being “Batman: Arkham Knight.”

Though being crowned homecoming king didn’t give him any authority in the school, Aidan was able to take the crown home. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to give him any real power at home. Especially over his younger sister.

“She’s always in her room bossing me around,” said Aidan.

The Clarke family told the Saratoga Sun they were moved by the decision to crown Aidan homecoming king and are especially thankful to his senior class for making the vote unanimous.


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