Pesto Festo rain or shine

Inclement weather couldn’t stop the evening’s annual fundraiser

Four dozen guests enjoyed a home-cooked pesto and pasta dinner Saturday at the Community Garden in Saratoga. The meal included salads, beverages and a chocolate ganache dessert.

Mother Nature contributed a spectacular double rainbow just before sunset. Then a sprinkling of rain began, followed by a full-out shower. Hearty Wyomingites donned jackets and ponchos and continued to enjoy themselves.

During the event, a store was open that featured crafts and goodies made by the members. Honey from the on-site hive was in abundance.

The annual event is a fund raiser for the Saratoga Community Garden, whose mission is to practice and promote organic, local gardening. The Garden itself includes individual and shared plots which are maintained by the hard work of the gardeners. For further information, contact Dawn Munro at 307-710-4119.


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