Raden Miller recognized by State of Wyoming VFW for essay

Each year, nearly 68,800 students in sixth through eighth grades enter the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest for a chance to win their share of more than $1.4 million in state and national awards.

Each first place state winner receives a minimum of $500 at the national level, and the national first place winner wins $5,000!

The essay contest encourages young minds to examine America’s history, along with their own experiences in modern American society, by drafting a 300- to 400-word essay, expressing their viewsbased on a patriotic theme chosen by the VFW Commander-in-Chief. The theme was, ‘My Pledge to Honor Our Veterans.’ Local 8th grader Raden Miller, son of Colton and Robyn Miller, won the local VFW scholarship contest and then proceeded to win the state competition as well.

Raden wanted to write an essay that expressed his gratitude for all veterans have done. “The inspiration behind my essay came from the respect I have for our veterans,” Miller stated. Miller represented the VFW Department of Wyoming and placed 21st nationally. He was awarded the James L. Keeley Award and Department of Ohio Award (combined) scholarship in the amount of $1,000.

Miller is the third student from the Valley to be sponsored by VFW Post 6215 and win on the state level, which qualified him to compete in the national competition. Jaden Campbell, a Wyoming Virtual Academy student, won the state competition in 2017/2018. Encampment school’s Dalton Peterson also won the state contest in 2016/2017. Both Campbell and Peterson placed well in at the national level.

Miller said, ‘When I heard I won the state competition I was very proud. I was also excited to see how far my essay would go and how many people would be able to read it.” He encourages all eligible students to participate in the VFW scholarship opportunities. His advice to other students is to, “speak from the heart and take pride in writing and essay because veterans have sacrificed so much for our country.”


Raden Miller’s essay – My Pledge to Honor Our Veterans

As the door of a shiny C-130 lays down, 100 battle-worn troops are rushed by their weeping families. These soldiers have braved the worst and withstood the hardest times. What they do will never be forgotten. As American citizens, we must do our part to honor the courageous souls who have served. We need to pledge our allegiance and show veterans the gratitude they deserve.

My parents and grandparents have served this great land and now they’re teaching me. As today becomes tomorrow, I follow in their footsteps, learning more about being a good American and honoring the Veterans. They have taught me the true meaning of a Veteran’s work. Veterans are the reason we have “one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”. I pledge to keep our “land of the free’’ protected and defended at all costs. I will respect the Veterans of this great nation, showing my gratitude by living the great life they have given me.

Our Veterans risked their lives so all Americans can have the benefits of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They continue to grant us freedom with every new day. The US military is the reason that we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. They’re the reason why we take off our hats, put our hands on our hearts, and sing about our wonderful country. Without the Veterans, I wouldn’t have the privilege to write this essay. So in turn, I make smart decisions, am a good citizen, and stand up for my beliefs, never taking my freedom for granted. I never take my Christian foundation and religious freedom of our country for granted either. Every day I do my very best to honor and serve my community and state, like veterans did for America. If I was needed, I would drop whatever I’m doing to stand by my country’s side as a U.S. soldier.

The Founding Fathers built a country far better than anyone had before. When they signed the document that would forge a new nation, they gave all their dedication. In our Forefathers’ honor, the Veterans have continued the work, risking their lives so we can live in freedom. In their honor, my pledge to America’s Veterans is to be the best American I can be while defending this great nation.


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