Our Local Celebrity


He’s nailed it again. Each new book CJ Box publishes is eagerly awaited by Wyoming, especially those living in Carbon County. From cub reporter onward we have watched him make his mark.

      His latest book in the Joe Pickett series does not disappoint. He updates us on the exploits of not only Joe, but also his family.

      I’m  eagerly await the tidbits he slips into his books about locals and politics in the state.  

      Now, he is cagey, but I think he is a moderate Republican, conservative, but middle of the road...just saying. He sounds a whole lot like Rod Miller and Cat Urbikit.

      In several of his books, he features outsiders with their political and financial agendas. This is the first time I recall him featuring Chinese interests who “bought” a politician here.

      It is obvious that he also is savvy about foreign ownership of lands and minerals in our state and the potential threat foreign interests pose.

      He also notes the factions within Wyoming. Take this latest book where extremist red necks take center state.  He features them center stage as the villains exploited by rogue feds. Then, he points out how easily impressionable young folks can get caught up in extremist movements.   Sheridan’s boyfriend, a local ranchers son, with his love affair of guns, narrowly escapes the consequences of his poor choices. But, given the careless, political rhetoric in the halls of government in our state, it is easy to see how malleable many young people are now.

      Each book of Box’s has entertaining tidbits. I loved his little commentary about priority seating in small town cafes in his latest.

      But, nothing can cap the chef coming out of his restaurant to settle issues in the bar with his machete. I could not stop laughing. Poor Doug Campbell is still razzed to this day.

      Be sure and read this latest gem and maybe stop in for a book signing in your community.


Barbara Parsons

Rawlins, Wyoming


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