Letter to the Editor


The reason my letter is being submitted is that recently my research indicated that a cargo trailer was stolen from Bill Schroer of Saratoga.

This incident is still under investigation by the Saratoga Police Department which the recovery of this stolen trailer averages less than 1%. Trailers are the most often things stolen on wheels and the least often found. Our overworked and understaffed police departments place stolen trailers on the bottom of the list and eventually end up in the garbage can.

This loss is devastating and heartbreaking and 99% of these trailers are never found destroying many dreams and business. Our Government has refused to address our recommendations over the last 17 years. As a result, inflicting pain and suffering that could be reduced by 80%.

So, to the readers of this newspaper, the USA government is “asleep at the wheel,” and suppresses people like myself who are desperately trying to address why over 2,000 trailers nationwide (USA) are stolen weekly.

We have 14 states in America where you never register these trailers, (like Oregon) which makes it impossible for law enforcement to perform a “probable cause stolen.” Any trailer in these states could be stolen: no registration and no vehicle identification numbers are mandated.

The cost to replace an average cargo trailer is $8,000. If you add personal items and equipment it can add thousands more.

Stolen trailers and Campers are a profit center and according to the 2021 FBI Violent Crimes statistics the average lost in a bank robbery is about $4,412 which is less than the value of the trailer stolen and or camper

The facts are–this camper trailer was expensive and might have contained personal equipment. Our data proves that if only 10 cargo trailers of this type are stolen, their value would be $100,000. It would take 23.7 average bank robberies to match the value taken in just one instance.

Members of government in places, like where the trailer was stolen, have dismissed our concerns. Robbing a trailer is more of a profit center than robbing a bank.


Ron J. Melancon, Glen Allen, Va

Note: Melancon is president of stolentrailers.org.


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