Cross Country teams never looked better

Saratoga Girls Cross Country Champions and Grant Bartlett makes history

Saratoga Cross Country Coach Hohnholt couldn't be prouder of the hard working team of girls and boys that went to the State Finals Saturday.

Hohnholt said this group of girls is amazing. Marilee Williams earned her third consecutive all-state honors, Milan Scott, Rhiwan Williams and Madison Teichman earned their second all-state honors, Madison Rodriguez and Allison Bromley brought home their first all-state honors. Aspen Sewell came in 13th, which is awesome as well. Saratoga has seven of the top thirteen girls in the state of Wyoming. Hohnholt said that they have such a diverse group of kids. Teichman has been the top runner all year. She was in a horse accident three weeks ago, but that didn't stop her. She ran the week before state. These girls are a close knit team, they don't let each other down.

All-state honors are given to athletes who finish in the top ten individually and the state cross country meet. Hohnholt said he believes there have only been five other teams in women's cross country history that had six in the top ten. High School Cross Country competition in Wyoming started in 1975.

Grant and Grady Bartlett earned All-State honors for the fourth consecutive year. Grant Bartlett became the first male in the history of Wyoming Cross Country to earn four individual state cross country championships. He joins three females who accomplished the same feat. Hohnholt said, if he was to guess, this may never happen again.

Hohnholt talked about Grant and Grady Bartlett. He said, "you look back on your program and when you have the best boy runner in the state, it makes the team mates better. The Bartlett boys are the beacons. They are the leaders and whatever challenge you put on them, they adhere to that". Hohnholt said he will tell the team that the Bartlett boys are going to start five minutes after the rest of the group, then the group knows they are "being hunted". The team mates want to step up, they're thinking, "Grant and Grady aren't going to beat us today, we've got a five minute head start." When you've got two runners like those boys, the others can't help but get better, said Hohnholt. He also said that the Bartlett boys had been sick for two weeks but nothing could deter them.

Hohnholt said he remembers when the Bartlett boys were eighth graders and they ran in a simulated race. These boys were number two and number three in the high school race. They've been around a long time, they're phenomenal leaders. They are competitive and they have the desire to win. They go into the race knowing they're going to win. Hohnholt said that he has been asked when these two graduate by other coaches.

Hohnholt said that the boys have really moved up. Calvin Condict, Brayden Barkhurst, Bennett Keel, Tyler Greenburg and Doug Anderson all put their heart into the race. They are competitive kids.

The Saratoga Boys Cross Country team are much like the girls team. They bring a terrific attitude.

Hohnholt said he was confident going into the state meet because the teams always give that extra bit of effort and confidence.

The following are the results of the Sate Cross Country Meet Saturday, October 22, 2022

Varsity Girl's

(5000 Meters)

Marilee Williams-2nd Place 21:42

Milan Scott-5th Place-22:18

Allison Bromley-6th Place-22:20

Madison Teichman-8th Place-22:31

Madison Rodriguez-9th Place-22:33

Rhiwan Williams-10th Place-22:35

Aspen Sewell-13th Place-23:47

Team Scores

1. Saratoga -17 points

2. Tongue River- 57 points

3. Thermopolis - 71 points

4. Hulett -77 points

5. Glenrock - 91 points

6. Lovell - 92 points

7. Wind River -125 points

8. Wyoming Indian -131 points

9. Rocky Mt./Burlington -139 points

HS Varsity Boys

(5000 Meters)

Grant Bartlett-1st Place-17:24

Grady Bartlett-2nd Place-17:32

Calvin Condict-15th Place-19:48

Brayden Barkhurst-17th Place-19:52

Bennett Keel-21st Place-19:59

Tyler Greenberg-52nd Place-22:29

Douglas Anderson-56th Place-23:01

Team Scores

1. Rocky Mountain/Burlington - 28 points

2. Saratoga - 29 points

3. Tongue River - 52 points

4. Big Horn - 66 points

5. Lovell - 85 points

6. Sundance - 114 points

7. Glenrock - 134 points

8. Wyoming Indian -137 points

9. Wright -167 points


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