Political waters

Dear Editor

The Climate Change story written by Ezra Boileau is supported by Wyoming’ Established Program To Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCOR) and the National Science Foundation.

Tell us how and whom this grant is administered. I suspect the Democratic Party and left-wing activists are in the link - and the writer says it isn’t political?

Human caused Climate change is a major issue of the Green New Deal left. They muddle the argument by boxing recognition that climate does change and blaming humans for it in the same category to confuse people who aren’t paying attention to the difference in the issues.

Green House effect and the Weather

Water in its forms (ice, water and vapor) cause weather outcomes. Depending on the season (Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall) caused by the wobble of the Earth’s Axis, the difference in time of expose to Sun’s radiance (daylight), causes water to change and move. These usual movements cause pressure gradients, winds and fronts tempered by Earth’s rotation causing weather events. The typical occurrence of events as the year goes by is climate, normal to each part of the world.

The cyclical variability of our Atomic Reaction Star (Sun), well documented, is not always exactly the same every year or span of the years.

Green House effect is what happens when water vapor builds into clouds that prevent reflected solar radiation to return to the stratosphere. Whether it hits any other gas molecules in the way, is very minor compared to the clouds. Ask any meteorologist.

The carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in in Earth’s atmosphere has been 10 to 15 times higher in history and didn’t drive Green House effect then.

It has always been the Sun’s radiation changing water from liquid to vapor forming clouds, then moving and dumping precipitation in predictable places and amounts - Climate.

Notice how the writer Boileau uses water vapor produced by human activities, an argument comparing Green House Gases.

The argument is about all forms of water in the world not just vapor.

Water is unique, thank God.

The reason water is ignored by the left is because no one is going to scheme how to tax water with a straight face.

People are finally realizing they are being conned and leftists are becoming more desperate with the ‘SKY is falling’ absurdity.

Unfortunately billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet. To opportunists like Solyndra and wastes like wind and solar projects. Ultimately you are paying for your electricity 20 years in advance. Using subsidy or credits further contributions to our country’sß 35 trillion dollar debt.

Any discussion of government decisions is politics. Very few things aren’t political in the world, including attempts to influence people in their life decisions.

Take comfort in the fact that Al Gore, John Kerry, Barak Obama and Joe Biden don’t believe their own “human caused Climate change Propaganda” or they wouldn’t buy Ultra - Mega mansions on beachfronts.

Think about that.

Don’t be duped by hysteria.

Humans cannot control the temperature on Earth.

Thank you for your time.


Scott Kerbs


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