Saratoga wins the weekend

Lady Panthers secure wins at home and on the road

Saratoga Lady Panther Basketball won their first weekend back from holiday break. Saratoga Middle/High School Lady Panthers playing two games over the weekend. One of those games being a conference match. First playing a home game against the Encampment Lady Tigers The Lady Panthers then traveled North to Dubois to play against the Lady Rams.

The first games after break seemed to go well for the Lady Panthers. The Lady Panthers won against Encampment 42-29 and Dobios 42-23.

Lady Panthers vs. Lady Tigers

Playing at their home court for the first game of the weekend the Lady Panthers had a large cheering section. Battling their conference opponent the Encampment Lady Tigers the Lady Panthers implemented new plays in Friday's game. Seeming to work in their favor, the Lady Panthers' new plays brought them a victory over Encampment. The final score of the night was 42-29 in the Lady Panthers favor. Player Whitney Bennett scored: 22 points, 11 rebounds, 8 steals and 2 assists. Sam Fiedor scored; 8 points, 3 rebounds, 2 steals, and 1 assist. Olivia Everett scored; 6 points,5 rebounds, and 1 assist. Finally Rhiwan Williams scored; 4 points, 4 rebounds, 6 steals, and 3 assists. The next big cat fight between the Lady Panthers and Lady Tigers will be at 12 p.m. Saturday February 5.

Lady Panthers vs. Lady Rams

Traveling north to Dubois the Lady Panthers slashed into the Lady Rams at the non conference game. Continuing to hone in their new found skills the Lady Panthers gained a large lead in the beginning of the game. Last playing the Lady Rams in December Saratoga was victorious against Dubois. Most recently the neutral non-conference game against the Rams was won by the Saratoga Lady Panthers with a score of 42-23. Player Whitney Bennett scored; 10 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists, and 6 steals. Olivia Everett scored; 10 points,2 rebounds, 3 steals, and 2 assists. Player Rhiwan Williams scored; 6 points, 10 rebounds, 2 steals, and 1 assist. Maddie Teishman scored 4 points and 1 steal. Finally Sophia Diaz scored 4 points, 4 rebounds, and 1 steal.

"Both games went really well. We were implementing new things this weekend and we felt good about how they looked trying them out for the first time. The first weekend after break is always a little hard, and I was really happy with how it turned out. Getting two wins with one of them being against a conference opponent was a great way to start play after Christmas break." Said Head Coach Heather Bartlett

The next game for the Saratoga Lady Panthers will be at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday January 13 against the Hanna-Elk Mountain Lady Miners. January 15 the Lady Panthers travel to Rock River.


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