Commissioners to remain with Sun

BOCC vote to keep Saratoga Sun as official publication

The Saratoga Sun will, again, remain the official publication of the Board of Carbon County Commissioners (BOCCC) following their December 21 meeting. 

The commissioners voted unanimously to remain with the Sun for the third consecutive year following bids from the Sun and the Rawlins Times. Carbon County Clerk Gwynn Bartlett opened sealed bids from both publications where it was announced the Times had bid $6 per column inch while the Sun bid $5.94 per column inch. Both publications were similar in their circulation.

According to form PS 3526, also known as a Statement of Ownership and required by the United States Postal Service, the Saratoga Sun had a 12 month average of 1,378 total print distribution and paid electronic copies. The Rawlins Times, over the same period, had 1,244. The Saratoga Sun published their Statement of Ownership on October 6, 2021 while the Rawlins Times published theirs on October 30, 2021.

Commissioner Sue Jones made the motion to designate the Saratoga Sun as the official publication. Following a request for clarification from Bartlett, Jones amended the motion to be for the calendar year 2022. Commissioner Byron Barkhurst seconded the motion.

The next meeting of the Board of Carbon County Commissioners will be at 9 a.m. on January 4, 2022 at the Carbon Building - Courthouse Annex in Rawlins.


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