Thanksgiving delivered

Platte Valley Helping Hands to deliver meals again

Platte Valley Helping Hands (PVHH) will continue to provide their Annual Free Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner, but with the same limitations as last year, due to the continued spread of Covid-19 in the area.

All meals will be delivered to homes by volunteers. No meals will be served on site. Last year PVHH delivered 116 meals and hope to deliver even more this year.

These free meals are made possible by the generous donations they received from last year’s meals.

This traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, dressing, potatoes & gravy, ham, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, roll and pumpkin pie will be prepared and cooked in the Platte Valley Community Center kitchen by the seven PVHH Board Members.

Volunteers will knock on the door and leave the food on the door step sometime between 11:45 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Day.

To receive this delicious free meal, people must call and order their meal no later than 6:00 p.m. Monday, November 15, so PVHH can order the correct amount of food. Please order your Thanksgiving Dinner now by calling any one of the following PVHH Board Members:

Marilyn Verplancke - 307-326-8190 or 307-329-7190

Wanda Snell - 307-256-2860

Merlynn Hoopes – 307-326-8668 or 307-399-1400

Platte Valley Helping Hands is a Wyoming Non-Profit Corporation established in 1995 to help the sick and suffering in the Platte Valley through our seven member board and volunteers. We also loan out medical equipment free of charge for as long as it is needed.


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