Highgrade killed in Encampment

Jamboree melodrama at Grand Encampment Opera House

The Grand Encampment Opera Company presents "The Widow's Might or What Happened to Henry" by C. H. Keeney.  Performing June 16, 18 & 19, 2021 in conjunction with the Encampment Riverside Woodchopper's Jamboree at the Grand Encampment Opera House, 622 Rankin, in Encampment, Wyoming.  All performances start promptly at 7:00 p.m.  Admission is by donation at the door.  Produced by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Services, Englewood, CO. 

 Harriet Highgrade (CayCee Cox) and her husband, Marshal Henry Highgrade, owned a gold mine in the tiny town of Slim Pickins, Wyoming ... until something very bad happened to Henry. A big rock rolled (or was it pushed) from the ledge above the entrance to his mine and crushed poor old Henry to death. The task of investigating the crime falls to Oliver Upright (Kellan Swanson), the Deputy Marshal, who is also in love with Harriet's daughter Demura (Lizzi James). But Rock Bottom (Owen Accord) and his accomplice Penelope Prude (Rachel Swanson) have other plans. Can anyone save the save the day? Come find out as the Grand Encampment Opera Company is back on the stage for the traditional Jamboree Melodrama.


Harriet Highgrade ... CayCee Cox

Penelope Prude ... Rachel Swanson

Rock Bottom .... Owen Accord

Demura Highgrade ... Lizzi James

Oliver Upright ... Kellan Swanson

Director ... Mary Martin

Piano Player ... Becky Kreusel

Prompter ... Joy Martin

Sound & Lighting ... Hailey Ellingham

Costume & Donations ... Sandy Martin

Can-Can Girls ... Sami Anderson, Morgan Ruff, Ireland Ruff, Kyenna Jackson

Olio ... Trent Swanson, Wiley Swanson, Amber Adams, Ireland Ruff, Lizzi James, Eddie Buford, Taylor Huntley, Kellan Swanson

Stage, Prop & Parade Construction ... George Hooker, Tim Kilper, Trent Swanson, Cody Cox.


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