Good numbers in Hanna

Hanna Recreation Center see over 200 visitors in June

The Hanna Parks and Recreation board met at 4:30 p.m. on July 1 at the Hanna Recreation Center. All board members were present except Jon Ostling. There is currently an open seat on the board, but enough members were present for a quorum. Hanna mayor Lois Buchanan was also in attendance.

The agenda and the minutes for the June 3 meeting were approved quickly.

Director Vivian Gonzales told the board that the opening of the recreation center in mid July had been successful.

She said that the number of people and families buying memberships had pleasantly surprised her. Gonzales said the numbers were strong.

Gonzales also said that flag football belts had been put on machines in the weight room and when a visitor used the equipment, they dropped the flag on the floor making it easier for employees to know what needed to be deep cleaned.

She said that, so far, there had been no issues with reservations or the cleaning to keep the center open under the current conditions caused by COVID-19 restrictions put forth by the state.

Since the center opened up on June 16, even with reservations needed, the recreation center had 202 visits by the end of June and 131 were for the pool. She told the board that Dynamic Sports Construction was looking to resurface the gym floor in mid August. Gonzales said currently the gym was not being used by members since basketball could not be played and most that used the gym for walking or running during the winter were not using it now. She felt it was a good opportunity to get the floor done.

Gonzales said public works was looking at getting the baseball fields ready for use.

After Gonzales gave her report, the financials were approved.

The board tabled the election of officers since Ostling was not present and a new board member had not been selected.

The board approved having a Hanna community BBQ in mid September. The event will include a sand volleyball tournament, horse shoe tournament, corn hole competition, music and vendors.

The annual King Coal Days festival was canceled earlier this spring and this event was put forth for the community to still enjoy a get together before warm weather ended.

The board approved Resolution 2020-526 submitting an application to the Carbon County Visitors Council for a grant of $4,000 for a community event helping with advertising and prize monies.

The Winter Carnival and Bazaar was discussed to tentatively occur before the Thanksgiving holiday.

The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. on August 5 at the Hanna Recreation Center.


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