A spring start for New BeCLEANings

Local volunteers pitch in to begin cleanup of downtown Saratoga with goal of rest of Valley

While it may not have been a roaring start to a new initiative to keep the Valley clean, New BeCLEANings had a blooming start for spring on Friday morning as Leanna Jones, CEO for the Saratoga/Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce (S/PVCC), Ray and Jamie Bernal, Roger and Wanda Snell, and Kirsten Teubner set out to begin the deep cleaning of Saratoga.

"At a glance, it did not look like there was an insurmountable amount of cleaning that needed to be done, just a few weeds here and there along with the muck left over from the snow melting away and trash blown by our strong Wyoming winds," said Jone...


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