UW Extension Open house

The University of Wyoming Extension office will host an open house on Friday, Oct. 9 at the Jeffrey Memorial Community Center in Rawlins.

“We are trying to make Carbon County residents more aware of the extension system and the resources we offer to individuals, families and producers,” said extension educator Abby Perry.

The open house will feature more than a dozen UW specialists, area educators and county educators, covering sports nutrition, food safety and 4-H. Eating well for less, integrated pest management, grazing management, irrigation and community and economic development will be addressed.

In order to spark discussion about renewable energy and interactions between energy, environment, and economy, Milt Geiger, energy extension coordinator, will use the energy trailer, which is intended to demonstrate on-grid and off-grid solar, wind and geothermal approaches for stock watering, and home heating.

Cathy Craig, 4-H and youth development educator in Carbon County, will provide opportunities for youth to learn, connect with the community and gain leadership skills.

Bret Hess, director of the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, and Doug Zalesky, director of the Laramie Research and Extension Center, will present current research and solicit input for future projects.

Perry, who specializes in rangeland economics and monitoring, said “We also hope the community will walk away feeling like they have had the opportunity to share their interest and needs.”

According to Perry, the topics covered make the event relevant to the Platte Valley. “Carbon County Extension has had several events in the Platte Valley, but this event lets us share a broader example of what Extension has to offer so that we can bring specific programming to the Platte Valley in the future,” Perry said. “It will be a great opportunity to get a taste of about 12 different topics, from our 12 different presenters.”


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