Reflections: Encampment incorporates, boasts first native

Reprint of this story from the May 13, 1898 issue of The Grand Encampment Herald brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.

Incorporation Committee Hold A Meeting and Take Definite Action.

An important meeting of the committee of citizens who have charge of the matter of the incorporation of the town of Grand Encampment was held Wednesday afternoon. After a full discussion of preliminary arrangements it was decided to employ Charles K. Fishback as attorney for the citizens and to proceed with the incorporation as rapidly as the necessary legal steps can be taken.

W. C. Henry as chairman of the committee was selected to act as petitioner for the incorporation, and a census will be taken without delay under the direction of H. D. Ashley, K. D. Connor and L. P. Abel. All residents of Grand Encampment who have arrived since the preliminary census was taken are requested to report their names and each member of their families to Mr. Ashley and Mr. Abel at the post office or to Mr. Connor.

For the purpose of raising money to defray the incidental of incorporating, a committee was appointed consisting of W. C. Henry, S. F. Price, S. K. Willis, E. S. Drury, George Kuntzman, C. E. Heizer and J. D. Tillou.

As this definite action has now been taken, it behooves all good citizens of our young and growing city to lend their aid in carrying on the good work so that eastern capitalists on their arrival may be welcomed by a safe, conservative city government in actual operation, the surest guaranty that their Investments will be protected; and that properly will rise in value.

It will take at least a month or six weeks to comply with the law, even with the greatest promptness of action.

The First Child Born in Grand Encampment

George Edward Hayes has the honor of being the first child born in the embryo city of Grand Encampment. The light of day first shone upon him on Sunday morning, May 8th, 1898.

Although Mr. Hayes came among us destitute of any clothing save nature’s garb, yet he is the owner of some choice Grand Encampment real estate, the Town Company having set aside a lot to be given to the first native born citizen of the town.

The young man will reside with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Hayes, until he attains his majority at which time his city property will doubtless be sufficiently valuable to set him up in business. Few indeed are the boys of the West who begin life under more auspicious circumstances than this.

A Large Mercantile House Opened In Grand Encampment

A new store building with a thirty foot full glass front, sixty feet deep, filled with one of the largest stocks of merchandise in the state, is the most substantial addition to the commercial interests of Grand Encampment that it has yet been our pleasure to record.

The business is conducted under the name of the Grand Encampment Mercantile Company, organized under the laws of the state of Michigan, with Hon. T. Russell Smith, president, and Mr. J. D. Tillou, secretary and treasurer. Mr. Tillou has charge of the store at present but Mr. Smith will also be here in a few weeks.

The store is finely stocked with a complete line of staple fancy groceries, tobaccos, provisions, tin ware and gents’ clothing. A stock of boots and shoes and general dry goods has been purchased and will arrive soon. A supply of miners’ hardware will also be added. The establishment is a credit to our new city and we trust the owners may meet with merited prosperity.


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