A non-profit HART?

Hanna Ag Resource Team looks into non profit status

Hanna Agricultural Resource Team (HART) met at 6 p.m. on April 23 at the Hanna Market to go over the possibility of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization.

Oliver Tanner, resident of Hanna, told HART of the steps needed to be a non-profit.

“There are some steps to becoming a 501(c)(3),” Tanner said. “Step one is actually forming a corporation, so there are going to be some fees involved and we will have to have some bylaws set up in addition to forming a board.”

He said by being non-profit, there are advantages to getting grants, but he pointed out once a board was created, people had to stay committed.

“When you set up a board and elect a chairman, it will have to be priority in your life, so anybody who goes on the board will have to be committed,” Tanner said. “Tasks are given out and they are going to have to be done or it won’t succeed.”

Tanner said he would be willing to help walk HART through the process, but he couldn’t commit to overseeing the formation.

He suggested taking a few days to really think about if there were enough members that were able to commit to setting up the board.

Tanner said if it was decided to create a non-profit, it might be worth doing a fundraiser to help pay for the costs of incorporation.

Ellen Freeman, HART member, said her son David, a graduating senior from Hanna, Elk Mountain, Medicine Bow High School who was not present, was interested in helping if a non-profit was decided to be formed.

Freeman said the student liaison duties for HART and the Bow River Future Farmers of America had been refined and finalized.

Rose Dobbs, HART member, said Morgan Irene, resident and mayor of Elk Mountain, had offered barrels for gardening.

Freeman said plants that were deer resistant would be put in the barrels. She told the group that the Hanna library meeting room was available for starting sprouts and all Hanna residents were welcome to use it.

The next scheduled meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. May 29 at the Hanna Market.


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