E-Club Cake Auction awes Tiger Principal

Ten years ago I attended my first E-Club Cake Auction. I

had been told about the level of community support that would be shown but was still somewhat skeptical. Could a small community really live up

to the reputation? Amazingly the answer year after year is a resounding yes. Over the years I have tried to

explain the phenomenon that is the E-Club Cake Auction to family and friends from across the country. How do people really understand that members

of the Encampment community will spend hours baking and decorating cakes, and then stay hours after the basketball games are over to buy the cakes

back? The money is overseen by juniors and seniors in high school to spend on projects they

deem appropriate (under the direction of the athletic director and principal). Then those students responsibly spend the money on scholarships; replacement

uniforms; equipment to enhance facilities at the school;

welcome signs and other items that improve the school for all members of the community. I have come to the conclusion it can be explained but to really be understood in any way it must be experienced.

My favorite attempt at explaining the auction came from an area rancher. He told me that if those attending were locked in the gym and told they

had to donate or the gym would be blown up no money would be forthcoming. “This could never be forced.” But give the same people a chance to buy cakes to benefit the students, school and community and they

would exceed any expectation of generosity.

The final part of Homecoming Week at Encampment

K-12 School has become a day I personally look forward to as I know I will leave humbled by the support of the community. Faces in the crowd may change from year to year but support for this event never changes.

I am proud to be part of Tiger Nation!

Amazed year after year,

Mike Erickson

Encampment K-12 School



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