1945 War Food Administration Report, Wolfard fire

Reflections from the Archives of the Encampment Valley Roundup

Reprint of this story from the February 1, 1945 issue of The Encampment Valley Roundup brought to you courtesy of Grandma’s Cabin, Encampment, Wyoming. Preserving History - Serving the Community.


Civilians can expect more milk, eggs, cheese, and citrus fruits during the next three months than the three just past but there will be less meat, chicken, fats, and oils, butter, canned fruits, and vegetables, potatoes, sugar, and dry beans, Charles W. Lilley, WFA’s District Representative, has announced.

For commodities which are allocated among various groups sharing in America’s food supply, prospective supplies for the next three months include: 6 billion 82 or about 4 billion 174 million pounds, about 15 percent less than was consumed during October-December.

Supplies of chicken were divided for the first time January 1, with civilians allocated three-fourths of the total 406 million pounds for the three month period. Most of the remaining supply will go to the armed forces, with military procurement agencies now buying at a much heavier than normal rate to make up quickly a part of the 100,000 pound deficit in military reserves.

More cheddar and foreign-types cheese are in prospect, and edible oil supplies will be almost as large as during the past three months. Evaporated and condensed milk will continue about the same, but butter supplies will be slightly less. Civilian pepper allocations have been upped from 3 million 270 thousand pounds for October-December to 3 million 817 thousand pounds for January-March.

Eggs will be plentiful throughout the year and at the same time it will be possible to fill all essential war demands for dried, shell and frozen eggs.

The overall fresh vegetable situation shows that supplies will be about 35 percent above the average for this time of year, though below record supplies available in 1944. Unfavorable growing weather conditions in Florida, California, and Texas have delayed harvests and supplies of most vegetables, while adequate in January, will be much better during February and March.

For the next three months except in spotted sections, carrots, beets, spinach, onions, turnips, rutabagas and squash will be in good supply. With growing conditions, cabbage should be in favorable supply by late February and in March while potatoes probably will be short of demand in some sections.


Fire in the Wolfard milk house last Thursday morning did some damage before it was brought under control. The fire started some way from a heater in operation in the room. Some equipment was destroyed, rubber tubes for milking machines, and wallboard was damaged. Luckily the Wolfard’s managed to get the fire under control before more damage was done, as the milk room adjoins their barn. Adrian Wolfard was burned about the nose and lips while fighting the fire, but not seriously.


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