Million won at derby

Former Hanna resident Mart Million 'last man standing' at demolition derby

Mart Million was the winner of the Carbon County Fair Demolition Derby that started at 3 p.m. on Saturday. It was not the first time he has won. He came in first place in 2009 and second in 2012.

He took a break after his effort in 2012 until this derby. Million lives in Craig, Colo., but he was raised and lived in Hanna for 33 years. He attributes his interest in working on cars to living in the town during his high school years.

"A small town like Hanna, there isn't a lot to do but work on your car," Million said.

He said the Carbon County Fair with the demolition derby was always a big deal as a youth, because first King Coal Days would happen and then the fair would take place, keeping the celebration of being a Carbon County native special.

He said although winning a purse is great, his attitude on driving in the derby, is to just have fun like when he was young.

Million said he starts getting his car ready for the derby in January and it cumulates into many hours of work.

Besides the obvious joy of winning, Million enjoys the Carbon County Fair Demolition Derby because it is unlike other derbies he competes in.

"It looks like we hate each other as we bash into each other, but it isn't how it is at all," Million said. "There was a time when my car needed some work during the derby and drivers and mechanics from Saratoga and Rawlins came by and helped me."

He said there is an impressive camaraderie evident at the Carbon County Fair Demolition Derby he doesn't see any where else.

"Carbon County natives are the most generous people and it shows at events like this."

Million said he will be back next year to compete.


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