Felines find guardian angel

Med Bow nun gives cats hope for a happier life, permanent home

Cuddles, Boo and Brett all want the same thing. A permanent home.

Sister Marie Martin, living in Medicine Bow is giving them a temporary one. Currently she has eight charges and one cat that is her own pet. She said taking care of nine cats is not easy, but she has cared for more at one time.

"I have had 15 at one time," Martin said. "It was too many, but they needed a place to stay, so I took them in."

Martin said she got involved in rescuing cats back in 2009 when she collaborated with Pet Partners to trap, neuter and return some feral cats in Medicine Bow.

The reason to return feral cats to the area they were captured, if they can't be placed in a home, is by putting the fixed cats back, they will keep other cats away, which would likely be feral, according to Linda Russell is President of Pet Partners, Incorporated.

She said this helps keeps the unwanted feline population down.

Russell said Pet Partners tries to work with all the Carbon County communities in taking care of pets at risk.

She said the mission of Pet Partners, is to ensure no adoptable animal will be euthanized.

"Our goals are ambitious because we are motivated by seeking to advance the health and well being of homeless animals that need care and a safe haven," Russell explained.

Russell said Pet Partners has dedicated volunteers that help with the undertaking of rescuing animals.

"Sister Marie is an angel," Russell said. "We started working with her when she rounded up feral cats in Medicine Bow."

Martin praises Pet Partners for helping her get the animals she cares for neutered.

She said all the cats she takes care of have different needs when it comes to being adopted.

Martin has a group of kittens that are extremely shy but are young enough to be domesticated. Another young cat, half Siamese and half tabby, is around six months old and doesn't know a stranger.

"Brett loves everyone," she said. "He is really smart and sweet."

Martin tries hard to find good homes for the cats, but sometimes a home is not suited for the animal. She said the cat named Cuddles went to a home with dog that was not a good fit. The people had to bring the cat back because it was terrified.

"Boo spent half a year on top of the refrigerator before she came down," Martin explained how another cat first behaved when it came to her. "I have an advantage over many, because I am here all the time and can work with the cat to gain their trust. That is what has happened with Cuddles. He was terrified when he came back from the house with the dogs."

Martin raises her rescue cats to be indoors. She does this because she feels around Medicine Bow, there is too strong a chance for the cats to be attacked by coyotes. One of her charges has three legs, so she feels it is safer for the cat to be satisfied with living indoors.

Her house in Medicine Bow caters to her eight charges and her own cat, Jenny. There are scratching posts, pillows in various rooms for the cats to sleep on and food dishes laid out for all to enjoy.

"They need a home and a family," Martins said. "I am getting too old to take care of young cats."

Martin not only gets help from Pet Partners but also Rhonda Herrod, who resides in Baggs.

"Rhonda pays for all the food and litter," Martin said. "I take some of her overflow, but she is remarkable on how she helps take care of unwanted pets."

The cats that Martin are taking care of are aged from kittens around four months to nine years old.

All the cat are house trained and use litter boxes.

"I will miss each one as they find homes, but it is gratifying knowing I helped them while I did," Martin said. "What would be great is to have some place where I can show the cats, so people know they can be adopted."

She said Pet Partners and Herrod help her tremendously, but Martin said it comes down to a person or family opening their heart to a cat or kitten that needs a good home.

Persons interested in adopting a cat can contact Pet Partners at 970-481-2503.


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