It takes a computer ...

Saratoga Senior Center

My computer has been down for over a week so I could not get any news sent in. It was a rough time but I think I am finally up and running and back on schedule.

I was gone for several days to Thermopolis for a bus training class. I do believe that was one of the very best classes I have ever been to. Now everyone that drives our bus is certified. That is what the state wants.

There were not enough here to play bingo on Tuesday.

There were two and a half tables for duplicate bridge Monday. High winners were Barb Wise and Bob Johnson. Second high went to Sheila Johnson and Jon Johnson.

Our Halloween party was a big success. There were seven people dressed in costumes. They chose Joni Johnson as the best costume. She was Donald Duck. And J.R. Henslee was second with his costume. He was a great Uncle Sam.

The LIEAP forms are being mailed out and when you get yours I will be very happy to help you fill it out if you would like me to. If you do not get a form we can print one off of the internet. So please be watching for your form.

We want to send get well wishes to Dixie Minear who had surgery earlier this week. Hope you are up and going strong again soon.

J.R. wanted me to let everyone know we are done with the music jam sessions for the winter. Our snowbirds have left us and there just isn’t enough to do it now. So we will be looking forward to their return next summer.


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