Time flies

From the Hip

If you ever wonder what the children in the Platte Valley are up to - all you have to do is look at the sports page and this week’s fair edition.

While the reporters were interviewing fair participants who did exceptionally well this year, I was typing fair results.

Our staff spent the first week in August covering the fair. We can’t make every event, unless of course, we camp out in Rawlins like the rest of the county.

But, we also have things to cover in Saratoga and the Platte Valley, like town council meetings, happenings over the weekend that are not fair related and more.

Now, we are trying to keep up with all the sports and school activities. There is never a dull moment when we are following the young people in the Valley.

Tuesday afternoon, after we finish sending the completed newspaper to press, we start planning the next edition.

It takes some creative scheduling as there is a lot going on in this little Valley.

We know as we plan our week, something will change, and we learn to be flexible.


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