Chief asks for support

Police Chief Tom Knickerbocker asked the Council to issue a statement saying that they support the police in advocating for the prevention of marijuana legalization. The Council discussed the option of making a formal declaration in their support of the police. Knickerbocker said that if they get a certain amount of signatures, the Wyoming Marijuana Legalization Initiative will be taken off the ballot in 2016. Knickerbocker said he will be asking other public groups in town to pledge their support.

Knickerbocker cited an initiative called “There Is No Debate,” from the Campbell County Prevention Council. “There Is No Debate” focuses on negative effects of marijuana on teenagers.

The Carbon County Impact Joint Powers Board (Water and Sewer) reported that the power outage last week went fine, however two variable frequency pumps (VFDs) at the water well were damaged, which councilman Richard Raymer said could have been because of the power outage. Raymer said they should have been patched up by the end of the week. Each VFD costs $1,000.

Mayor Ed Glode provided an update on the river project. “I did run into Joe Parsons the other day and he and I discussed—now that the river is back down—having a discussion and getting the group from [University of Wyoming] over there for our GPR deal so they’ll do the ground penetrating radars to find the bedrock under it. So, we’re kind of moving ahead with what we’re going to do short term as a town and what the long term project is going to turn into,” said Glode. Currently, there are no known dates for the University of Wyoming team to come in.

Representatives Bobbe Fitzhugh and Joe Coyne from Community Builder’s Inc., (CBI) were at the Town Council meeting to introduce themselves and the Master Plan, discussing information for their visit last week. They plan to come back at least quarterly during the upcoming eight months.

The Council moved to begin advertising for the jobs Director of Public Works and a Zoning Officer. Councilman Will Faust was hoping that the process can be similar to a bid process, beginning potentially on Sept. 1, with applications in by Sept. 28.

Councilman Raymer reported that the Streets Department is finishing the street patching project. They had also finished the retaining wall at the Good Times Park by the hot springs; landscaping will begin soon on the retaining wall. The paths between bridges have been lightly topped

The Hot Pool will be closed from 6 a.m. to noon on Aug. 13 to install a newer style of pump.

The next town council meeting is at 6 p.m., Aug. 18 at Saratoga Town Hall.


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