Cancer Walk 2015: Awareness comes first reports 390 new cases of breast cancer in Wyoming in 2015

Breast cancer is so prevalent in Veronica Lincoln's family, she believes either her or her sister Meredith will have breast cancer sometime in their lives.

Because of that statistic, Veronica became active in the Cancer Walk sponsored by the Saratoga Middle High School Technology (Tech) class.

This is the fourth year the Tech class has sponsored the race and they have made an impact in raising awareness.

This year, the Tech class has been traveling throughout the county to raise awareness and increase the numbers in the walk, which is at 8 a.m. July 4.

Over the years, the location has changed from the Saratoga Golf Course to downtown Saratoga.

As awareness has grown, so has the cancer walk. Last year, there was four teams. This year, there are 14 teams.

The teams are Team Diana, Team Encampment, Team Burt, Team Congressional Award, Team Kirsten, Team Michelle, Team Rawlins, Team Barb, Team Little Snake River, Team Bob, Team Laura Nell Ellis, Team HEM and Road Warriors.

Scott Bokelman, the Tech teacher, works with the students to get everything ready for the Cancer Walk.

Early Friday morning, students came into his classroom and used X-acto knives to cut out the lettering for the banners.

The morning of the event, the volunteers will set up the sign-in table at 6:30 a.m. If a walker has not pre-registered, the group plans to have enough T-shirts for everyone.

As of Friday, about 100 people were expected to walk. Their goal is 400 people. The group is waiting to hear from all the people they made presentations to earlier in the year.

Those who would like to participate in the walk can contact Bokelman at 307-321-0989, or show up at the Saratoga Municipal Parking Lot before 8 a.m. July 4.

Last year, the Cancer Walk received more than $12,000 in donations. The group donated $3,000 to the Corbett Medical Foundation for mammograms screening.

This year, Bokelman wants the money they raise to help with all screenings.


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