Closed Christmas, open New Year's

There were not enough here to play bingo on Tuesday.

There were six here for Bridge this week. First place went to John Johnson and Mary Sjoden.

We will be closed on Dec. 25 and 26. We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.

We will be open on New Year’s Day as usual. We will be serving grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. The rest of the meal is still up in the air, but it will be good.

We had an Ugly Sweater contest on Thursday. Karlene Sjoden won first place and Eloise Thomas won second. Thank you to everyone who participated.

We had our birthday dinner Friday. We had a great turnout. Those having birthdays this month are Frances Kirby, Betty Vyvey, Bill Ward, Norm Bennett, Iva Craig, Judy Hodges, Marie Huntley, Art Ingleby, Janet Kennaday, Janet Zahn, and Homer Beach. Frances Kirby won the birthday tree. We had four anniversaries this month. They are Ed and Sue Howe, John and Sonja Collamer, Pete and Myrtle Roybal, and Dick and Marty Perue. Teense was here for our listening pleasure. He was fun as always. He also brought his lovely wife Sandy as well as Ray Bernal, who played the guitar with Teense. Also here for birthday dinner were Sue and Garland Bartlett, Sue’s mom and dad, Joan and Howard Kunish. Laurie Johnston and her mom Julie Harper joined Grace Johnston. Also we had Diana Wood and her mom Nellie Wood here for the first time. Hope you will all come and join us again.

I want to thank June, Kathy, and Jane for all their help in getting the goody boxes fixed for all the seniors. They are to let all the seniors know how much we appreciate all their help and just making our job so much fun. This is truly a great place to work.

We would like to invite anyone 60 or older to come give us a try. You will not be disappointed. We have good meals at a reasonable price and you get to visit with some interesting people. We also have the bus that can come to your home and pick you up. It will pick you up and take you to the store, doctor appointments here in town, or just to go visit someone. The charge for the ride is a 50-cent suggested donation, so that is a bargain.

I just turned old enough to come up here, so I know who is old enough. Please come and join us. We have to keep this program going. Getting our count up will help. We do play bingo on Tuesdays if we have enough that will stay to play. We have Bridge on Mondays and they are always looking for more players. After the first of the year we will start having movie day once a month. There are a couple of people who would like to stay and play 31. So if you are interested we would love to have you join us.


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