Games, movies and more

Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, four residents played Dominoes with Pat Rust winning. On Monday afternoon, four residents played Yahtzee with Russell Cox winning. On Wednesday afternoon, 12 residents played Bingo, and on Friday afternoon, 15 residents played Bingo. Marge McAulay, Truth Karstoft, and Janet Kennaday won Four Corners. Carol Higby and Rudy Stodola won Blackouts. Our Bingo helpers were Lila Worden, Joannie Johnson, Gloria Rakness, and Sue Bartlett. On Saturday afternoon, residents played Blackjack.

During the evenings, residents watched Turner Classic Movies. On Sunday morning, three residents watched the DVD movie, “The Ranger, The Cook, and A Hole in the Sky”. On Monday afternoon, six residents watched the DVD movie, “Hope Floats”. On Tuesday morning, six residents watched the DVD movie, “Flash Gordon”. On Saturday morning, residents watched the VCR Movie, “Foreign Correspondent”.

For Lunch Out at the Saratoga Senior Center, five residents had egg salad sandwiches and vegetable soup on Friday.

On Sunday afternoon, Reverend Mickey Laws of the Encampment Presbyterian Church led church. Doris Davis played religious music on the keyboard.

On Monday morning, four residents played Wii Bowling.

On Tuesday morning, Pastor Gene Smith of the Platte Valley Christian Center offered Bible Study to five residents.

On Wednesday morning, Georgia Schroer and Kathy McMorrow gave Hair Care to 10 residents and Nail Care to seven residents.

On Thursday morning, residents did an Arts and Crafts project with Kathy McMorrow.

Saturday afternoon, residents enjoyed ice cream sandwiches.

We wish to thank April Verplancke for the new Bingo set and the kind financial donation.

The activities program relies on the assistance of volunteers to enhance the lives of residents. If interested in being a volunteer, please call Tom Mansfield, Activity Director, at 326-8212.


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