GEM annual meeting set for opera house

“In Pursuit of a Dream” to be shown to support Smithsonian exhibit

The Grand Encampment Museum, Inc. (GEM) will hold its annual meeting on Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Grand Encampment Opera House in Encampment.

Reports from the president and treasurer on museum activities and the financial condition of the corporation will be presented as will the minutes of the previous annual meeting’s minutes. Election of director’s for the ensuing year and other business brought before the board will also be attended to.

Following the Annual Business Meeting, the documentary film “In Pursuit of a Dream” will be shown in support of the Smithsonian exhibit “Journeys” which is being hosted by GEM.

The film has won the Spur Award for Best Western Documentary from the Western Writer’s of America, and recognition in several film festivals including the International Family Film Festival in Hollywood, the Boston Film Festival, Santa Fe Children’s Film Festival, and the Wyoming Film Festival. Suitable for all ages.

“In Pursuit of a Dream” is about the journey on the Oregon and California Trails. The film was written and produced by Candy Moulton and directed and principally filmed by Bob Noll who are both lifetime members of GEM.


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