Postal saga continues


The sad tale about mail continues at the Encampment Post Office. Despite all the training and platitudes, getting the mail delivered is still an issue with the Postmaster.

Somehow he does not connect people with their address in the Post Office.

Recently I received a return of a first class letter to my box. The box number was correct but the name, the town and the zip code were not! The name was a lady and her town is Rock River in Albany County which has a different zip code from Encampment. In his view, one out of four is an OK standard.

A recent discussion with a Postal person in Denver was interesting. He told me that “mail returned” for address problems is the most expensive mail the Post Office handles because it cannot be automated — it is all handled manually. It costs two to three times as much to return a letter as it does to deliver it correctly. The more times a letter is handled, the more expensive it becomes to the USPS.

When I ask what the solution was to this issue and the giant loss the Post Office recently reported, he commented that getting the mail delivered the first time was critical. He also said those smaller Post Offices that are so important in communities are the easiest to operate because everyone has to come to the PO to get their mail. People to people works well most of the time, he said. When I inquired about local issues, he only said, I wish “Common Sense” would prevail. I agree.

John D Farr



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