Seniors listen to jammers for lunch

We had three tables for Duplicate Bridge on Monday. High winners were John Blue and Glee Johnson. Second high went to Gertrude Herold and Pat Bailey.

I have the forms for the elderly and disabled tax returns. So stop by and get one or call and I will help you fill them out and get them sent back. You have until Aug. 31 to get the forms in. Qualifications are you have to be at least 65, if you are single you can make up to $17,500 per year. Married couple can make up to $28,500. Time is running out.

We had our birthday anniversary dinner Friday. Those having birthdays this month are Berneil McCord, Bob Johnston, Judy Babel, Elaine Burge, John Moore, Marilyn Starr and William Kunish. Anniversaries this month are Bill and Jane Fluty, Armon and Janet Zahn, Bill and Chris Wickstrom and Herm and Sherry Weinert. Bob Johnston won the money on the tree and he split it with Berneil McCord the other one at the table. Teense was not able to be here this month for the entertainment, so we had the Tuesday night musicians play.

J.R. Hensley, Margaret Karstoft, Debbie Easterling and Janet Zahn played for us. Debbie’s husband Tim also joined us for dinner. We all really enjoyed them coming and hope they will be back again.

We were happy to have Glen Parker and Joan Graham join us for lunch Friday and we would like to invite them back.


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