Morning breakfast tomorrow

There were five here for bingo Tuesday. Two-dollar winners were Berneil McCord, Pat Faust and Sue Howe. Pat Faust won the $3 blackout.

There were three tables for Duplicate Bridge on Monday. High winners were John Blue and Mary Sjoden. Second high went to Pat Bailey and Glee Johnson.

I have the forms for the elderly and disabled tax returns, so stop by and get one or call and I will help you fill them out and get them sent back. You have until Aug. 31 to get the forms in. Qualifications are you have to be at least 65, if you are single you can make up to $17,500 per year. Married couple can make up to $28,500.

Tonya Bartholomew brought Hanna Phillips over on Thursday. Hanna is a second-year medical student, and did a program on preventing falls in the home. It was a great program as the seniors all have problems with that. Thank you both for the program.

It was nice to have Vicki Steele and Judy Dixon here for lunch with Madaline Forbes.

Also it was good to have Bev Hempel come for coffee and a visit. We don’t see her very often.

Tom Mansfield brought Linda Cannon and Barbara Plummer over for lunch on Friday. They are two new residents and will be joining us from time to time.

We had a small turnout for our BBQ on Saturday. But those of us here had fun and good food.

We will be having a breakfast at 8 a.m.Thursday morning. So if you would like to join us, please get your name on the list, so I cook plenty. We will also be having lunch at the usual time that day.


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