Volunteers indispensable

At Deseret Health and Rehab, residents enjoy many activities weekly. The activity department offers a wide variety of activities each week to meet the residents’ interests, as well as the physical, mental and psychological well-being of each resident.

Volunteers at the facility enhance residents’ quality of life. Not only do they assist residents in various activities, such as Bingo, but they offer a connection to the community that enables residents to still feel part of the local community. Sometimes when needed, like when the Activity staff attends activity workshops, volunteers run activities. Their assistance in the Activities program is a very necessary part of the facility and is greatly appreciated by residents and staff. Residents look forward to volunteers visiting. If interested in becoming a volunteer, please call Tom Mansfield, the Activity Director, at 326-8212.

Games throughout the week provided fun and laughter. On Sunday afternoon, five residents played Dominoes with Truth Karstoft winning. On Monday afternoon, five residents played Yahtzee with Dora Martin winning. On Tuesday morning, three residents elected to play Dominoes with Dora Martin winning. On Wednesday afternoon, 12 residents played Bingo, and on Friday afternoon, nine residents played Bingo. Nadine Caleb, Pat Rust, Randy Cross, and Kenny Hoagland won Four Corners. Pat Faust and Dora Martin won Blackouts. Our Bingo helpers were Lila Worden, Joy Hamilton, Dawna Erickson, Elder Alameida, Elder Ramirez, and Gloria Rakness, with Gloria Rakness calling on Wednesday.

During the evenings throughout the week, residents watched the Turner Classic Movie channel with its commercial-free movies. On Sunday morning, residents watched the VCR movie, “Valdez is Coming”. On Tuesday afternoon, eight residents watched the VCR movie, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”. On Saturday morning, residents watched the VCR movie, “Bells of San Angelo”.

For Lunch Out at the Saratoga Senior Center, on Monday three residents had cheeseburgers, and on Friday, three residents had salmon patty.

On Sunday afternoon, Pastor Arlen Hughes led our church service. He was assisted Doris Davis on the keyboard.

On Tuesday morning, Pastor Hughes offered Bible Study to four residents.

On Wednesday morning, Pat Stemke and Lynda Healey gave Hair Care to five ladies and Nail Care to four residents.


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