TIPS training on tap for liquor servers

Keeping a community safe — sometimes it happens in the most unusual places. And a few local people are keeping our community safe one drink at a time.

Several bartenders, waiters, waitresses and other liquor distributors in the Platte Valley have expressed interest for the Training for Inventions Procedures (TIPS) training.

According to it’s website, TIPS “is a dynamic skills-based training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking by enhancing the fundamental ‘people skills’ of servers, sellers and consumers of alcohol.”

The two to four hour classes meant to provide alternatives to simply “cutting a person off.” Tips training provides techniques to prevent alcohol related incidents including offering food or something non-alcoholic to drink.

Saratoga Police Chief Tom Knickerbocker just became certified to become a TIPs trainer. He said that the TIPS training helps (staff) protect not only patrons, but themselves as well.

“It gives them the tools to not be held civilly liable,” Knickerbocker said. “Or criminally liable … it also helps protect the establishment where the alcohol was provided.”

Knickerbocker said that the response for classes has been exceptional. He said that he has talked to restaurants and bars in Saratoga, Encampment and Riverside and most establishments are thrilled to be involved with the training.

“I have been really encouraged by the participation,” Knickerbocker said.

Knickerbocker said that Tips training is beneficial to everyone in town.

“Everyone benefits. From the establishments to the servers themselves and the public,” Knickerbocker said.

Knickerbocker said that the town is working out a deal to make the training free-of-charge for the establishments.

“We think it is that important of a program,” he said.

Knickerbocker said that there are projected to be three classes of 20 people each and plans to keep TIPS an ongoing program.

Those who are interested should contact the Saratoga Police Department at 307-326-8316.


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